Info — Lebanon Flying Club

We have reached maximum capacity on the wait list and have suspended the application process. Please monitor the website for updates.

We have reached maximum capacity on the wait list and have suspended the application process. Please monitor the website for updates.

Any pilot, from private to ATP, may apply to become a member of the Lebanon Flying Club.  Our members include those who have airline and military flying experience to those who are working on additional ratings or certificates.  We also have several members who are club-approved flight instructors--both CFI and CFII.

Becoming a member has many advantages, including having access to well-maintained, capable aircraft.  Additionally, monthly safety briefings encourage a culture of safety and proficiency.  Finally, periodic fly-outs for the "$100 hamburger" or other social, fun, or educational trips may be arranged by members.

To become a member, the process involves the following steps:

  • Fill out an application** and submit to the membership chair

  • Become familiar with the club, come to a meeting, and participate in a membership committee interview.

  • At the next club meeting, or possibly before, the club will hold a yea/nay vote

  • Due upon club approval is a one-time $1,000 non-refundable fee

That's it!  Our total membership is currently limited to 36 members.

**We have reached maximum capacity on the wait list and have suspended the application process. Please monitor the website for updates.

Anyone is welcome at our monthly meeting.